; Defaults: 9600,8,M,2 ; ; The Telegram for the Nautronic TimeBoard must consist of 8 numbers and CR (Carriage Return). ; A SPACE can be send for blanked numbers. (" 1:10:20.30" or (" 10:20.30" ; ":" and "." are ignored. ; ; Modified by Hugues Lacroix 6/10/04 (punctuation needs to be sent at all time) ;;Initialization ; This is sent once to initialize the scoreboard ; Line codes \00 0\0d ;;TimeRunning \01%12.12s\B1\L2\B1.\L3\B1:\L3\B1:\R0\0d ;;TimeStopped \01%12.12s\B1\L2\B1.\L3\B1:\L3\B1:\R0\0d ;;TimeUpdate \01%12.12s\B1\L2\B1.\L3\B1:\L3\B1:\R0\0d ;;TimeGun \01%12.12s\B1\L2\B1.\L3\B1:\L3\B1:\R0\0d ;;TimeBreak \01%12.12s\B1\L2\B1.\L3\B1:\L3\B1:\R0\0d ;;TimeOfDay ; This is sent when the 'Send time of day' option is checked in the ; Scoreboard pull down menu. ; Line codes are identical to the TimeRunning line codes. \01%12.12s\B1\L2\B1.\L3\B1:\L3\B1:\R0\0d